GK Search and Learn: True or False Quiz for Class 3

GK Search and Learn: True or False Quiz for Class 3GK Explore and Learn”: This phrase emphasizes the educational aspect of the quiz, suggesting that children   will not only enjoy these questions but will also discover new things while participating.

"True or False Quiz": This section of the title clearly states the different types of questions on the proposed quiz, making it clear to parents or teachers searching for quizzes of this nature that children's learning And the quality of explaining is getting stronger.

"For children": This type of quiz targets their development, indicating that the quiz is suitable for children's skill development.

True or False Quiz for Class 3

True or False Quiz for Class 3

1. True or False: Paris is the capital of France.

      👉True : Paris is actually the capital of France, famous for its beauty and history.

2. True or False: Penguins can fly.

      👉False : Penguins are amazing swimmers, but they can't fly like birds.

3. True or False: The Earth is flat.

      👉False : Earth is round like an orange. It's big and beautiful too!

4. True or False: Water freezes at 100 degrees Celsius.

      👉False : Water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius. Then it turns into ice!

5. True or False: Tigers are vegetarians.

      👉False : Tigers are big cats, and like their cousins, they love to eat meat.

6. True or False: The Sun rises in the west.

      👉 False : The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, painting the sky with beautiful colors.

7. True or False: Elephants can fly.

      👉 False :  Elephants are incredible giant creatures, but they can't fly.

8. True or False: 12 months make a year.

      👉 True :  We have 12 months in a year, each month has its own special days and seasons.

9. True or False: The Moon is bigger than the Earth.

      👉False : Earth is bigger than the Moon.

10. True or False: Birds lay eggs.

      👉 True : Many birds lay eggs to produce adorable babies.

GK True or False Quiz for Class 3

 GK Search and Learn: True or False Quiz for Class 3

11. True or False: 5 + 5 = 10.

      👉True : When you add 5 and 5 together, you get 10.

12. True or False: Cows produce wool.

      👉 False :  Cows are famous not for wool but for giving milk. Consuming which maintains our health!

13. True or False: The Statue of Liberty is located in Australia.

     👉 False : Statue of Liberty is erected to welcome visitors in New York City, United States.

14. True or False: All mammals lay eggs.

     👉 False :  A group of different types of mammals, most of which give birth to live young.

15. True or False: Apples grow on trees.

     👉True : apples grow on trees, and when they are ripe they are delicious to eat!

16. True or False: Snakes are mammals.

     👉False : Snakes are quiet reptiles that crawl around, not mammals like us.

17. True or False: The capital of India is New Delhi.

     👉 True : New Delhi is the capital of India.

18. True or False: Bananas grow on bushes.

     👉False : bananas do not grow on bushes but on large plants with long leaves.

19. True or False: Watermelon is a type of vegetable.

    👉 False : Watermelon is a juicy fruit, which is found during summer.

20. Antarctica is the driest continent on Earth.


21. The currency of Russia is the Euro.

    👉 False

22. The human body has four lungs.

   👉 False

23. The Great Wall of China is visible from space.

   👉 False

24. The Amazon Rainforest is located in Asia.

   👉 False

25. Mount Kilimanjaro is the tallest mountain in Africa.

    👉 True 

26. Albert Einstein discovered the theory of relativity.

    👉 True 

27. The Nile River is the longest river in the world.

     👉 True 

28. True or False: Honey is made by bees.

    👉 True : bees are busy little creatures that make delicious honey for their own enjoyment.

29.Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.

   👉 True

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